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Korea Travel to Samcheok, Gangwon-do Cheongok Bat Cave Boss Snow

by Jeffery 2023. 1. 26.

Every corner of Korea Travel to Samcheok, Gangwon-do Cheongok Bat Cave Boss Snow Crab My Mnoey!!

Cheongok Bat Cave in Samcheok, Gangwon-do Samcheok Cheongok Bat Cave where golden bats live!!

cheongok golden bat cave

Address: 50 Cave-ro, Donghae-si, Gangwon-do

Business Hours: 09:00 am - 18:00 pm

Phone number: 0335393630

Date of visit: February 11, 2022





Facility usage fee (admission fee) 施設利用料(入館料)
Adult: KRW 4,000, 大人: 4,000ウォン
Children: KRW 2,000, 子供: 2,000ウォン

천곡황금박쥐동굴 · 강원도 동해시 동굴로 50

★★★★☆ · 관광 명소


cheongok golden bat cave 天谷金蝙蝠洞

Gangwon-do Travel

Jeju Island and Gangwon-do are the representative tourist destinations in Korea with many places to visit. Compared to Gangneung and Sokcho, Samcheok is a lesser-known tourist destination. I will explain the review of the trip to Samcheok's travel destination, Cheongok Hwangeum Bat Cave.


It is said that about 20 golden bats live inside the cave. Golden bats sleep during the day and feed outside the cave only at night.
洞窟内には約20匹の金色のコウモリが住んでいると言われています。ゴールデン バットは日中は眠り、夜だけ洞窟の外で餌を食べます。

Visitors, please be quiet inside and watch it~~Please!!

You must wear a helmet before entering. Because the water is running out!!

In fact, looking at the state of preservation, it seems that Korea is doing very well. While traveling in the Philippines, Camodes Island has caves that are much bigger than the Golden Bat Cave here in Cheongok, but it seems that there are no places as well-maintained as in Korea. Korea is great. !! cool. !!
実際、保存状態を見ると、韓国はとてもうまくいっているように見えます。フィリピンを旅行している間、カモデス島にはここチョンゴクのゴールデンバットケイブよりもはるかに大きな洞窟がありますが、韓国ほどよく整備された場所はないようです.韓国は素晴らしい。 !!いいね。 !!

Boss snow crab in front of Samcheok beach in Gangwon-do, South Korea

Samcheok Boss Snow Crab Main Store

Address: 2nd floor of KR Boss Snow Crab, 14 Galcheon-dong, Samcheok-si, Gangwon-do

Business hours: 11:00 am - 21:30 pm, closed on Tuesdays

Phone number: 050713508784

Date of visit: February 10, 2022

住所:江原道三陟市葛川洞14 KRボスズワイクラブ2階

営業時間:11:00~21:30 火曜定休



Samcheok Boss Couple Set

Price: KRW 199,000

It consists of 1 A-grade creature Russian snow crab + assorted seasonal sashimi + squid sundae + grilled king prawn with butter + crab shell fried rice + red crab ramen (uncooked) + beverage + bottled water + packaged sanitary items. This is a recommended menu for Boss Crab, where you can taste various menus with a focus on snow crab.

価格: 199,000ウォン


In fact, the price is insane. For those who want to take pictures or visuals


Samcheok Jungang Market is recommended for those who want to eat snow crab at an affordable price. It's a place I've already been to, so I'm reviewing it, so it's just a story about this time last year. Probably the price was around 150,000 won back then....

동쪽바다중앙시장 · 강원도 동해시 중앙시장길 12

★★★★☆ · 시장


Perfect for 2 people to eat. Korea is also a country where side dishes are served well. I travel to many countries, but there is only one country in Korea where side menus are refillable. The basic assorted sashimi is served, and sashimi seasoned raw sashimi is provided as a service.
2人で食べるのにぴったり。韓国はおかずがよく出される国でもあります。私は多くの国に旅行しますが、韓国でサイドメニューが補充可能な国は 1 つだけです。基本の刺身盛り合わせをサービスで刺身味付け生刺身で提供。

Butter-roasted king prawns are well grilled, and the cheese, parsley, and other sauces of their own are delicious.
Last year, they even gave out butter-grilled golbaengi for free, but looking at the menu now, it seems to be missing from the offer.

Prices go up, menus go down...


Still, the main menu, Russian snow crab, has a good yield. It's full inside, so you have to pay 200,000 won to eat it. Now, it's a price that you can go on a trip to Vladivostok, Russia, usually eating king crab.

In fact, two bottles of soju are just a snap with just one of these, but Korean food has a lot of various soup dishes, so it seems to be a good country for those who like alcohol.

You know the ending even if everyone doesn't say it, right? Crab shell fried rice Actually, this is usually made with crab intestines, but it is a food that makes you gain a lot of weight.
結末はみんな言わなくてもわかるよね?カニの甲羅チャーハン 実は通常カニの腸で作るのですが、かなり太る食べ物です。

이번 포스팅은 대한민국 구석구석 강원도 삼척 여행 천곡 박쥐동굴 보스 대게 내돈내산!! 이야기로 포스팅을 해봤습니다. 대한민국의 치솟는 물가는 이제는 혀를 내두를 정도의 가격입니다. 동남아 전문 여행가로서 이제 한국에서는 내돈내산으로는 먹을 수 없는 물가에 깜짝 놀라지만 2022년 2월에 다녀온 강원도 삼척에서 맛있게 먹었던 보스 대게 경험을 소개해 드렸습니다. 이 장소는 삼척 쏠비치를 방문하시는 분들에게 유용한 정보가 될듯하며 삼척 중앙시장에 가시면 더 저렴한 가격에 싸게 드실 수 있음을 알려 드립니다.
This post is a trip to Samcheok, Gangwon-do, Gangwon-do, Korea. I made a post about the story. Soaring prices in Korea are now tongue-in-cheek. As a traveler specializing in Southeast Asia, I am now surprised by the waterside that cannot be eaten with Naedonnae Mountain in Korea, but I introduced the boss snow crab experience I enjoyed in Samcheok, Gangwon-do, where I visited in February 2022. This place seems to be useful information for those visiting Samcheok Sol Beach, and we inform you that you can eat at a cheaper price if you go to Samcheok Jungang Market.
