제프리가 선택한 2022년 10월 전국 날짜 TOP10 가을 지역 축제는 과연!!
What will be the top 10 autumn festival in Korea in October 2022?
개인적인 생각이니 자세한 축제 정보는 각 링크를 확인하시면 각 지역마다 열리는 축제 정보에 대해서 확인
It's my personal opinion, so if you check each link for detailed festival information, you can check the festival information held in each region
TOP 10 순서 상관 없이 나열
TOP 10 List Regardless of Order
보고 먹고 놀고 즐길 준비
Ready to watch, eat, play, and enjoy
미리 미리 날씨 숙소 호텔 펜션 예약하시고~준비해보자고요!!
Make a reservation in advance for the weather accommodation hotel pension. Let's get ready!
1. 강동 선사문화 축제 : 일정 10월 7~9일
이유는 가수들이 좋다.
세러데이, 장윤정, 김범수, 스텔라장, 정인, 국카스텐, Grunt Zero 외 다수
Detailed Information The Gangdong Prehistory Culture Festival, which first opened in 1996, is the only festival held under the theme of prehistoric times among the Seoul festivals, boasting a clear history and identity.
This year, the 27th Gangdong Prehistory Culture Festival will be held offline for the first time in two years under the theme of "Day Full of Rain."
It captures the happy daily lives of Neolithic people who lived in the ruins of Amsa-dong, Seoul, wishing to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Amsa-dong, Seoul, as the stage of a three-day unique festival.
2022년 10월 서울 주요행사 정보
Information on major events in Seoul in October 2022
Gyeonggi Province
2. 자라섬 재즈페스티벌 : 일정 10월 1~3일
2. Jarasum Jazz Festival: Schedule October 1st to 3rd
음악도 듣고 가평 양평 춘천까지
가까운 거리에 먹거리가 많음!!
Jarasum Jazz Festival, which celebrated its 19th anniversary this year, is Asia's representative jazz festival, attended by about 1,200 artists from 57 countries. Every October, Jara Island, Gapyeong, Gyeonggi-do, which transforms into an island of festivals, presents 'a picnic-like festival that all generations can enjoy together' under the motto of nature, family, relaxation and music.
Divided into numerous sub-categories such as swing, fusion, bossa nova, bebop, and world music, jazz is a unique piece of music that can accommodate all genres. Jarasum Jazz Festival, which has tried to diversify the Korean music ecosystem by introducing countless music that can be tied to the name of jazz in Korea for 19 years, will present artists from Spain, South America, North America, and Asia, as well as Spain, the host country. In addition to Jazzmere Horn and Makatini, who were named in the final lineup, the 'Jarasum Jazz' lineup is made up of talented artists such as Joy Alexander, Abishai Cohen, Kim Hyun-cheol, and hard piano who were well-received as the first lineup was released. has completed The Jarasum Jazz Festival, filled with not only top-class jazz performances, but also a variety of things to see, enjoy, and eat, will be held from October 1st in Gapyeong-eup, Gapyeong-eup. General tickets, dog seats, and camping packages can be purchased from Tour Services.
2024.10.17 - [내가 경험한 국내여행] - 쁘띠프랑스 이탈리아 마을 입장권 30%할인 당일 사용 가능 경기도 가평 여행 가볼만한곳
3. 고양 가을 꽃 축제 : 일정 10월 1~10일
3. Goyang Autumn Flower Festival: Schedule October 1st to 10th
매년 나도 방문 하고 있는데 호수와 어우러진 가을꽃들이 너무 아름답다
"Shall we go on an autumn trip at Ilsan Lake Park?"
In the deepening autumn, the Goyang Autumn Flower Festival, where you can enjoy the beauty of flowers and the abundance of nature, culture and art, features a journey of autumn flowers to discover the beauty of the lake park that we were familiar with and meet another "I."
4. 시흥 월곶 포구 축제 : 일정 10월 21~23일
4. Siheung Wolgot Port Festival: Schedule October 21-23
먹거리도 있고 출연진도 빵빵
다리건너면 바로 소래포구
박명수, 김연자, 남진 , 나태주, 김태연
The Wolgot Port Festival, selected as the 2021 Gyeonggi Culture and Tourism Festival, will be held for three days from October 21 to 23, and will run various experience programs that combine the characteristics of the port and urban scenery by taking advantage of the regional characteristics of Wolgot Bay. Representative programs include ▲ fishing boat boarding experience, ▲ bare-handed fishing experience, ▲ king shrimp fishing experience, ▲ salted shrimp experience, ▲ fish ball experience, etc. In addition, a variety of events will be held throughout the festival, including touching invited singers such as Taekwondo Trot Na Tae-joo, trot prodigy Kim Tae-yeon, trot god Kim Yeon-ja, Nam-jin, and Park Myung-soo, rich food using various seafood in the port, fireworks embroidered the night sky, and flea market operation.
2022년 10월 경기 주요 행사 정보
Gangwon Province
5. 횡성 한우 축제 : 일정 9월 30일~10월 4일
5. Hoengseong Korean Beef Festival: Schedule September 30th to October 4th
2024.10.17 - [내가 경험한 국내여행] - 코엑스 아쿠아리움 입장권 30% 할인 당일 사용 가능 사계절 방문 가능 한국 서울 여행 필수 방문 코스
한우 하면 횡성 한우 아닌가요~~
먹거리도 있고 출연진도 빵빵
장윤정, 김희재, 홍자, 장민호 이은미, SG워너비, 이도진, 홍지민
Hoengseong Beef Festival is held offline for the first time in three years.
Spectacular cultural and artistic performances and various programs.
Korea's No. 1 luxury Hoengseong Hanwoo, and fresh agricultural products from Hoengseong with good water and air, are even available at a low price!
Taste it in Hoengseong! Enjoy the Korean Beef Festival!
대부분 축제는 돈을 많이 써야 되는데 강릉 커피 축제는 무료 시음이 많음
Every October in Gangneung, the Gangneung Coffee Festival with the fragrant aroma of coffee is reformed.
Famous coffee companies from all over the country, including Gangneung, will attend a free coffee tasting event, and a seminar will also be held to obtain professional know-how on coffee directly from coffee masters. This year, various cultural events such as family-based programs and coffee-related experiences will also be held at the same time. You can enjoy a cup of coffee while looking at the sea in the beautiful Gangneung.
2022년 10월 강원 주요 행사 정보
Gyeongsang Province
7. 사천 에어쇼 : 일정 10월 20~23일
7. Sacheon Air Show: Schedule October 20-23
누가 뭐래도 최고 블랙이글스 쇼
아이들이 너무 좋아함
Sacheon is the origin of Korea's first aircraft revival, and is the only city in Korea where Korea Aerospace Industries Co., Ltd., which produces and exports its own aircraft, and a number of aerospace companies operate.
A variety of free experiences are available, including free experience flights, boarding KT-1 simulators used by actual pilots, the Black Eagles Air Show, the Australian Paul Bennett aerobatic flight air show, the Black Eagles fighter virtual reality (VR) experience, etc.
In particular, the 2022 Sacheon Air Show will feature a Korean fighter KF-21 ground exhibition developed by the co-host organization Korea Aerospace Industries Co., Ltd. and a LAH pilot flight.
2022년 10월 경남 주요행사 정보
2022년 10월 경북 주요행사 정보
8. 전주비빔밥 축제 : 일정 10월 6~10일
8. Jeonju Bibimbap Festival: Schedule October 6-10
전주 하면 비빔밥 콩나물국밥
먹거리가 더불어 많음
The Jeonju Bibimbap Festival will be reborn as a true taste festival this year. It is a food festival where you can enjoy the variety of Jeonju food, the joy of taste, the philosophy of taste, and the afterglow of taste. Let's participate in the Taste Festival!
9. 강진 갈대 축제 : 일정 10월 28~11월 6일
9. Gangjin Reed Festival: Schedule October 28th to November 6th
가을 하면 갈대 아름다운 생태공원
The Gangjin Bay Dance Reed Festival, which marks its seventh anniversary this time, will hold a festival to meet various music with beautiful sunset at Gangjin Bay Ecological Park, the treasure house of life, home to 1,131 species.
The festival, where you can feel the mood and romance of autumn while listening to various performances, food, and exciting music, will be a valuable time to heal your body and village for a while for urban residents who are tired of life.
2022년 10월 전남 주요 행사 정보
10. 강경 젓갈 축제 : 일정 10월 12~16일
10. Ganggyeong Salted Fish Festival: Schedule October 12-16
전통과 현대화된 시설로 정갈한
김장철이 다가오니
The characteristic of Ganggyeong Salted Fish is that it is neatly manufactured with a modernized facility with the traditional secret recipe that all ingredients were brought directly from the country of origin and inherited from the ancestors, and retains the original true taste that cannot be compared to any other salted fish in the country. The Ganggyeong Salted Seafood Festival, which developed into Korea's representative industrial festival, has grown in size year after year, starting with the purpose of revitalizing the local economy and increasing merchants' income as part of overcoming the economy in 1997. In particular, since 2007, the name has been changed from Ganggyeong Salted Fish Festival to Ganggyeong Salted Fish Festival, and as a result of firmly establishing the perception that salted fish is salted food in the world, the response of tourists has increased much.
2022년 10월 충남 주요행사 정보
Information on major events in Chungcheongnam-do in October 2022
2024.10.16 - [내가 경험한 국내여행] - 에버랜드 입장권 할인 당일 사용 가능 62,000-> 46,000원 넷플릭스 기묘한 이야기 블러드 시티
2022년 10월 충북 주요행사 정보
Information on major events in Chungbuk in October 2022
그 외에도 전국 방방곡곡 구석구석 지역 축제들이 많이 열리고 있습니다.
10월에는 태풍 없이 날씨가
가을 하늘에 맞게 화창하길 바랍니다
In addition, there are many festivals held in every corner of the country.
In October, the weather without a typhoon
I hope it's sunny to match the autumn sky
10월 가을 축제 날짜 전국 지역 방문해서 맛있는 요리도 먹고 콘서트 듣고 즐기고 따라 부르고 눈으로도 많은 꽃들 가을 정취를 늘겨봄이 어떠실까요??
On the date of the fall festival in October, why don't you visit the country, eat delicious food, listen to concerts, sing along, and increase the autumn mood with your eyes?